09 Kasım 2020

Bilimsel Yayınları
  • Tok F, Aydemir K, Peker F, Safaz I, Taşkaynatan MA, Ozgül A. The effects of electrical stimulation combined with continuous passive motion versus isometric exercise on symptoms, functional capacity, quality of life and balance in knee osteoarthritis: randomized clinical trial. Rheumatology International 2011;31(2):177-81.
  • Taskaynatan MA, Ozgul A, Aydemir K, Koroglu OO, Tan AK. Accuracy of ultrasound-guided suprascapular nerve block measured with neurostimulation. Rheumatology International 2012;32(7):2125-8.
  • Kesikburun S, Aydemir K, Gunendi Z, Ozgul A. Tenosynovitis of the flexor foot tendons secondary to pes cavus: value of sonography. Rheumatology International 2012;32(2):561-2.
  • Duman I, Guzelkucuk U, Tezel K, Aydemir K, Yilmaz B. Behcet's disease presenting with sudden-onset paraplegia due to anterior spinal artery involvement: 1-year follow-up of rehabilitation in conjunction with medication. Rheumatology International 2013;33(6):1605-8.
  • Demir Y, Aras B, Aydemir K, Tan AK. Efficacy of Ultrasound in the diagnosis of biceps tendon dislocation. (visual vignette) Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2015;00:1.
  • Aydemir K, Demir Y, Guzelkucuk U, Tezel K, Yilmaz B. Ultrasound findings of young and traumatic amputees with lower extremity residual limb pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2017;96:572-577.
  • Duman I, Aydemir K, Ozgul A, Dincer K. Assessment of the efficacy of gabapentin in carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2007;14(3):175-7.
  • Duman I, Aydemir K, Tan AK, Dincer K, Kalyon TA. An unusual case of osteoid osteoma clinically mimicking sacroiliitis. Clinical Rheumatology 2007;26(7):1158-60.
  • Duman I, Aydemir K, Taskaynatan MA, Dincer K. Unusual cases of acquired leukonychia totalis and partialis secondary to reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Veneorology 2007;21(10):1445-6.
  • Aydemir K, Taskaynatan MA, Balaban B, Duman I, Kalyon TA. Critical illness polyneuromyopathy: a case report. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2007;53(1):41-4.
  • Aydemir K, Tok F, Peker F, Safaz I, Taskaynatan MA, Ozgul A. The effects of balneotherapy on disease activity, functional status, pulmonary function and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa 2010;35(5):441-6.
  • Aydemir K, Duman I, Tugcu I, Ozgul A. Piriformis syndrome presenting with foot drop diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2010;18(3):261-264.
  • Yavuz F, Taskaynatan MA, Aydemir K, Ozgul A, Tan AK. The efficacy of intradiscal steroid injections in degenerative lumbar disc disease. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2012;58:88-92.
  • Aydemir K, Tezel K, Duman I, Tan AK. The anterior cervical triangle: an unusual site for iatrogenic accessory nerve palsy – A case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2012;20(2):126-30.
  • Duman I, Guvenc I, Tezel K, Aydemir K. Multiple sclerosis presenting with Parsonage-Turner syndrome: a case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2013;21(4):361-4.
  • Aydemir K, Duman I, Yilmaz V, Taskaynatan MA. Exertional compartment syndrome leading to bilateral foot drop: a case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2013;21(1):71-4.
  • Kesikburun S, Uran A, Aydemir K, Tan AK. Metastatic malign melanoma of supraspinatus muscle. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2014;60:278-9.
  • Adıgüzel E, Aydemir K, Tezel K, Kızılırmak S, Taşkaynatan MA, Özgül A. Parvovirus B19-associated reactive arthritis presented with erythema nodosum. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2015;61:276-9.
  • Aydemir K, Adıgüzel E, Yılmaz B. Urodynamic findings in stroke patients with overactive bladder symptoms.  Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2016;62(1):51-56.
  • Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Tezel K, Aydemir K, Ali Taşkaynatan M. A Different Approach to the Management of Osteoarthritis in the Knee: Ultrasound Guided Genicular Nerve Block. Pain Med. 2016;4:177. (Letter to the editor)
  • Aydemir K, Taşkaynatan MA, Yazıcıoğlu K, Özgül A. Kompleks bölgesel ağrı sendromunda lidokain ve ultrason ile yapılan stellat ganglion blokajının etkinliği: çift kör, randomize, plasebo kontrollü çalışma. Romatoloji ve Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 2006;17(3):193-200.
  • Aydemir K. Kardiyopulmoner rehabilitasyonda egzersizin önemi ve fizyolojik etkileri. Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi 2010;13 Özel Sayı:27-32.
  • Aydemir K, Yazıcıoğlu K. Üst ekstremite tendon yaralanmalarının rehabilitasyonu. Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi 2011;14 Özel Sayı:1-6.
  • Aydemir K, Taşkaynatan MA. Yanık rehabilitasyonu. Türk Yoğun Bakım Derneği Dergisi 2011;9 Özel Sayı:70-7.
  • Kesikburun S, Gunendi Z, Aydemir K, Ozgul A, Tan AK. A case of recurrent complex regional pain syndrome accompanying Raynaud's disease: a prospective coincidence? Ağrı 2013;25(2):90-2.
  • Yaşar E, Yılmaz B, Yaşar AS, Kesikburun S, Güzelküçük Ü, Aydemir K, Tekin L, Göktepe AS, Alaca R, Yazıcıoğlu K, Möhür H. Kronik spinal kord yaralı hastalarda otonomik disfonksiyonun QT dispersiyonu üzerine etkisi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi 2015;57:5-10.
  • Aydemir K. Protez öncesi dönem: Egzersiz Programı ve Bandajlama. Türkiye Klinikleri J PM&R Special Topics 2017;10(4):331-6.
  • Demir Y, Aydemir K, Guzelkucuk U, Tan AK. Clinical and prosthetic features of female patients with acquired amputation. Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi 2017;20(2):66-70.
  • Demir Yasin,Güzelküçük Ümüt,Aydemir Koray,Yaşar Evren,Aras Berke,Tan Arif Kenan (2018).  Clinical and Demographic Features of Pediatric Patients with Limb Loss.  Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi J PMR Sci 2018;21(3):101-6.
  • Demir Y, Örücü Atar N, Güzelküçük Ü, Aydemir K, Yaşar E. The use of and satisfaction with prosthesis and quality of life in patients with combat related lower limb amputation, experience of a tertiary referral amputee clinic in Turkey. Gulhane Med J. 2019; 61(1): 006-010.
  • Aydemir K, Taşkaynatan MA. Yanık Rehabilitasyonu. Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon. Oğuz H (Ed). 1119-1129. 3. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 2015, Ankara. ISBN:978-605-335-140-4.