Patient Rights Unit – Head of the Unit
1998 Ankara Gulhane Military Training and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Therapy
2000 TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center, Electrotherapy Department
2016 SBU Gaziler Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital, Patient Rights Unit Education
1996 Şereflikochisar Health Vocational High School (Nursing Department)
2006 Anadolu University Department of Health Institutions Management
2018 Istanbul University Department of Social Services (Undergraduate)
2019 Yıldırım Beyazıt University Department of Family and Marriage Counseling Master's Degree
Short-Term Solution Focused Therapy Counseling, Crisis, Trauma and Age Counseling
Sexual Therapy Counseling
Patient Rights Unit
The purposes of Patient Rights practice for every patient are; to provide the use of “Patient Rights” and legal protection methods, be protected from violation of rights, additionally to supply equal, high qualified and effective health services by determining the principles and procedures related with the planning, evaluation, implementation and control of patient rights practices.
In our hospital, we have a Patient Rights Unit in order to protect the rights of patients and to find solutions to the problems of patients and their relatives. Applications to the unit can be made both personally and from the web site. All applications are evaluated in accordance with the relevant legislation.
In the unit, a Social Worker is in charge.
In personal applications, the first step is solving the problem of the patient or the patient's relative. When the patient or the relative wishes to apply legally, the application is received in writing and action is taken in accordance with the provisions of the Circular on Patient Rights Practices.
You can send your suggestions, thanks and complaints to us through the Patient Rights Unit, wish-suggestion boxes in our hospital, or by filling out the Patient Opinion and Suggestion Form in the communication section of our website. Thank you for your care and we wish you a healthy day.
Patient Rights
• Refers to the rights of individuals in need of benefiting from health services just because they are human and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, international treaties, laws and other legislation.
• The right to benefit from health services
• The right to inform and the right to be informed
• The right to know, choose and change the health institution and the employee
• Respect for privacy
•The right to receive diagnosis and treatment in accordance with medical requirements
• The right to consent for medical intervention
• The right to respect for human values
• The right to security
• The right to practice one's religious duties
• The right to have visitors and companions
• The right to apply, complain, and sue
Patient Responsibilities
• These are the duties and obligations that the patient must fulfill before and after applying to a health institution.
• People should do their best to take care of their own health and follow the advices given for a healthy life.
• In simple cases, people should take care of themselves.
• The patient has to notify her/his changes in health, social security and personal information in a timely manner.
• The patient has to compensate the damages she/he caused to the materials of the health institution.
• The patient should listen the advices carefully about her/his treatment and medication and ask about the things s/he does not understand.
• The patient should give information about his/her complaints, previous illnesses, treatments and medical interventions, current medications, if any, and her/his health as completely and accurately as possible.
• The patient must comply with the rules and practices of the health institution to which they apply. Appointments must comply with the date and time and notify the relevant place of changes.
• The patient must comply with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and other social security institutions.
• The patient should respect the rights of the employees, other patients and visitors.
• The patient is responsible for the consequences of refusing the treatment or not following the recommendations.
• The patient should not attack the employees verbally or physically.
• In case the violation of the rights have been occured, the patient may apply to the Patient Communication Unit
• You can call number 184, the Ministry of Health Communication Centre for information about patient rights
• Also you can apply to https://hastahaklari.saglik.gov.tr for online application about Patient Rights.