The patients diagnosed with traumatic brain inury, stroke or spinal cord injury are admitted, evaluated and treated at this service in the early stages of their diseases. Patients are informed and educated about the possible complications regarding their new health condition. They receive therapeutic exercises, occupational therapy, robot assisted rehabilitation programmes, functional electrical stimulation therapy, aquatherapy, virtual reality rehabilitation applications, speech therapy. They receive evaluation for psychological trauma and receive support by psychologist and psychiatrist in aim to teach techniques for coping with psychological trauma. In addition, the “scare pilot” -environmental control system- serves as a system that facilitates daily life activities of the patients who cannot use their upper extremities in our hospital. This system allows the patient to control many devices in their room with voice commands. For example, the patient can raise/lower the head of the bed by giving voice commands, turn TV and radio on/off, turn the room lighting on/off, and call the nurse. This system is available in one room of each service.