Prof. Engin KOYUNCU, MD
Name Surname: Engin KOYUNCU
Date of birth: 1978
e-mail address:engkoyuncu@gmail.com
Office phone : 90 312 291 10 00
Foreign Language: English
Academic title: Professor MD
Department: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Specific Areas of Interest: Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Neurogenic Bladder Rehabilitation, Speech & Language Rehabilitation
Education | Instution | Year |
Diploma of Medical Doctor | Ankara University Medical School | 2002 |
Diploma of the specialist of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Ankara Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital | 2008 |
Diploma of the Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | 2017 |
U.E.M.S. European Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine | 2017 |
Title | Instution | Year |
Resident | Ankara Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital | 2003-2008 |
Specialist (PMR) / Deputy chief physician | Bolu Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital | 2009-2012 |
Specialist (PMR) / Deputy chief physician | Ankara Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital | 2012-2019 |
Specialist (PMR) / Deputy chief physician | Ankara City Hospital | 2019-2020 |
Specialist (PMR) / Chief physician | Ankara Gaziler Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital | 2020- |
- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists
- Society of Spinal Cord Diseases
- Turkish League Against Rheumatism
A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals
- Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Doğan A, Özgirgin N. The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation for the treatment of shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Disabil Rehabil 2010;32:560-6.
- Kaya K, Ersöz M, Koyuncu E, Özel S, Akyüz M, Özgirgin N. Comparison of Continuous and Intermittent Filling Cystometry in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2010;56:67-70.
- Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Koyuncu E, Özgirgin N. Effectiveness of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Outcomes in Patients with Hemiplegia Due to Cerebrovascular Accident. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2010;56:177-81.
- Koyuncu E, Ersöz M, Doğan A, Özgirgin N. Sacral Dermatomal Transcutaneous Neurostimulation in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury and Overactive Detrusors. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2011;57:212-5.
- Ersöz M,Koyuncu E,Akyüz M,Özgirgin N. Shifting to 4 × 1 intermittent catheterization without an early follow-up urodynamic study is possible in most patients with subacute spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2016;39:307-10.
- Koyuncu E,Ersoz M. Monitoring development of autonomic dysreflexia during urodynamic investigation in patients with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2016;8:1-5.
- Koyuncu E, Metin Ökmen B, Özkuk K, Taşoğlu Ö, Özgirgin N. The Effectiveness of Balneotherapy in Chronic Neck Pain. Clin Rheumatol 2016;35:2549-55.
- Özgirgin N, Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Taşoğlu Ö, Yenigün D. Is Spinal Cord Injury a Risk Factor for Vitamin D Deficiency? Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2016;1:57-63.
- Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Çam P, Özgirgin N. Investigating the Status of Using Lower Extremity Orthoses Recommended to Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord 2016;54:996-1000.
- Koyuncu E, Türkkanı MH, Sarıkaya FG, Özgirgin N. Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Sleep Medicine 2017;30:146-50.
- Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Yenigün D, Özgirgin N. Coexistence of Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis, Heterotopic Ossification and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome due to Hemorrhagic Stroke. J StrokeCerebrovasc Dis 2016;25(3):e38-40.
- Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Yenigün D, Özgirgin N. The analysis of serum lipid levels in patients with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 2017;40:567-572.
- Taşoğlu Ö, Koyuncu E, Daylak R, Yumuşak Karacif D, İnce Z, Yenigün D, Özgirgin N. Demographic and clinical characteristics of spinal cord injured persons in Turkey: one year experience of a primary referral rehabilitation center. J Spinal Cord Med 2016;20:1-8.
- Koyuncu E, Çam P, Altınok N, Ekinci Çallı D, Yarbay Duman T, Özgirgin N. Speech and Language Therapy for Aphasia Following Subacute Stroke. Neural Regen Res 2016;11:1591-4.
- Taşoğlu Ö, Şahin A, Karataş G, Koyuncu E, Taşoğlu İ, Tecimel O, Özgirgin N. Blood Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio as new predictors of hip osteoarthritis severity. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017;96(6):e6073.
- Ökmen BM, Koyuncu E, Uysal B, Özgirgin N. The effects of the number of physical therapy sessions on pain, disability and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain. Turk J Med Sci. 2017;47(5):1425-31.
- Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Koyuncu E, Çam P, Özgirgin N. The Regularity of Orthosis Usage and Reasons of Disuse in Stroke Patients. Int J Rehabil Res. 2018;41:270-5.
- Neurogenic Bladder Turkish Research Group: Akkoç Y, Bardak AN, Ersöz M, Yılmaz B, Yıldız N, Erhan B, Tunç H, Koklu K, Alemdaroğlu E, Dogan A, Ozisler Z, Koyuncu E, Şimşir Atalay N, Gündüz B, Işık R, Güler A, Sekizkardeş M, Demir Y, Yaşar E, Sasmaz E, Şatır Ö. Post-stroke lower urinary system dysfunction and its relation with functional and mental status: a multicenter cross-sectional study. Top Stroke Rehabil 2019;26:136-41.
- Koyuncu E, Taşoğlu Ö, Orhan A, Özbudak-Demir S, Özgirgin N. Recurrent priapism in spinal cord injury: A case report. J Spinal Cord Med 2019;10:1-3.
- Akkoc Y, Yıldız N, Bardak AN, Ersoz M, Tunc H, Koklu K, Alemdaroğlu E, Guler A, Şaşmaz E, Doğan A, Ozişler Z, Koyuncu E. The course of post-stroke bladder problems and their relation with functional and mental status and quality of life: A six-month prospective, multicenter study. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2019;65(4):335-342.
- Kavakçı M,Koyuncu E, Tanrıverdi M, Adıgüzel E, Yaşar E. The inter-rater reliability of the Turkish version of Aphasia Rapid Test for stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil 2021 Jun 1;1-8. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2021.1923314.
- Sertkaya Z, Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Özgirgin N. Investigation of health literacy level and its effect on quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med DOI:10.1080/10790268.2021.1991162
B. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals
- Koyuncu E, Özgirgin N. Fonksiyonel Elektrik Stimülasyonu. Türkiye Klinikleri J PM&R-Special Topics 2015;8(1):51-6.
- Türkkanı MH, Koyuncu E. “Tüberküloz Kontrol Programı Kapsamında Vertebra Tüberkülozlu Hastaların Yönetimindeki Sorunlar”. Solunum Hastalıkları 2015;25:11-6.
- Koyuncu E, Taşoğlu Ö, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Sarıkaya FG, Oktar MA, Özgirgin N. Health Care-Associated Infection Analysis of a Rehabilitation Hospital. J PMR Sci 2016;19:98-104.
- Koyuncu E, Özgirgin N. İnmede Nörojenik Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları ve Rehabilitasyonu. Türkiye Klinikleri J PM&R-Special Topics 2016;9(1):8-16.
- Taşoğlu Ö, Doğan Aslan M, Koyuncu E, Yenigün D, Yumuşak Karacif D, Özgirgin N. Risk factor analyses for spinal cord injury related complications. J PMR Sci 2016;19:110-5.
- Koyuncu E, Nakipoğlu-Yüzer GF, Taşoğlu Ö, Kasap Z, Özgirgin N. Neurogenic bowel dysfunction and its effect on quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury. J PMR Sci J PMR Sci 2017;20(2):77-82.
- Ökmen BM, Ökmen K, Özkuk K, Uysal B, Sezer R, Koyuncu E.Kronik Omuz Ağrısında Yüksek Yoğunluklu Lazer ve Ultrason Tedavilerinin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması; Randomize Kontrollü Tek Kör Çalışma.J PMR Sci 2017;20(2):57-65.
- Enli Tuncay F, Koyuncu E, Özel Ş. A Review of Protective and Risk Factors Affecting Psychosocial Health of Healthcare Workers in Pandemics. Ankara Med J 2020;(2):488-501.
C. Books
Translated Books and Chapters
- Koyuncu E, Kalça Ağrılı Hastaya Yaklaşım, Current Romatoloji Tanı ve Tedavi, çeviri ed. T. Arasıl, 100-110, Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2014.
- Koyuncu E, Konnektif Doku Hastalığı İle İlişkili İnterstisyel Akciğer Hastalığı, Current Romatoloji Tanı ve Tedavi, çeviri ed. T. Arasıl, 489-495, Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2014.
National Books or Chapters in Books
- Koyuncu E, Özgirgin N. Nörojenik Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları. Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon. Ed. Oğuz H. 619-627, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2015.
- Koyuncu E, Özgirgin N. Omurilik Yaralanması ve Rehabilitasyonu. Türkiye Klinikleri, Ankara, 2020.