Orthotic & Prosthetic Unit
In the Orthotic & Prosthetic unit, prostheses that replace the functions of body parts such as arms, hands and legs that are lost due to trauma and vascular disease or that are not present congenitally, and orthoses for the correction of an abnormal alignment in the extremities and spine are made. After the production of orthosis and prosthesis , the required education programme is provided. In this unit, latest technological prostheses and orthoses are produced by taking special measurements. This unit also provides the opportunity to carry out research and scientific studies. In this hospital, application of prosthetics and orthotics are supported by extensive rehabilitation services. In the laboratory, the most advanced technological prostheses are applied by following the latest developments in the world. The purpose of the prostheses designed and made for our veterans and all our disabled patients is to increase the quality of life. Since its establishment, the laboratory has been constantly renewing and improving itself, and today microprocessor controlled lower extremity prostheses, electronically controlled elbow joint arm prostheses and personalized silicone prostheses could be applied to the suitable patients. In the silicone laboratory which is established in our hospital for the first time in Turkey in 2005, custom made silicone finger, partial hand and partial foot prosthesis, face mask for burns, silicone pad applications for grafted areas are provided. In our hospital, since 2008, active vacuum suspension system below-knee prostheses, which control the volume of the stump and regulate the blood circulation, are applied to the patients. In the laboratory, providing the highest safety at all stages of walking, with the help of sensors positioned on the joint, above-the-knee prostheses that can adjust itself according to the gait speed, provide safe walking on stairs and on sloping floors are also carried out. Lower extremity prostheses consisting of hydraulic hip joint and electronically controlled knee joint, which provide three-dimensional joint movements, are made to eligible patients. For the first time in our country, microprocessor-controlled lower extremity prostheses, which has the features of up and down stairs, walking backwards, and being used in water, has been successfully performed in our orthotics-prosthetics laboratory. With the myoelectric controlled elbow joint, besides its improved cosmetic, prostheses with the ability to carry a load up to 6 kilograms with harmony, speed and safety in elbow movements can be made. Bionic hand prosthesis, which allows the patient to perform most daily grips as healthy ones. In addition to the atelier, there is also a training area in the orthotic prosthetic unit. In the unit, where the patients stand up and walk for the first time after their prostheses are made, they also receive balance training with a computerized stabilizer, and walking up and down with an adjustable ramp. The myoboy device is used for pre-prosthesis and post-prosthesis training in a computerized environment for patients who are planned for myoelectric prosthesis, thus, it is aimed to create sufficient muscle coordination and muscle strength for the use of myoelectric prosthesis.