12 Şubat 2025

Name Surname: Yasin Demir

Date of birth: 18.03.1982

e-mail address:

Office phone   :0312 2911806

Foreign Language: English

Academic title: Professor

Department: Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Specific Areas of Interest: amputation, prosthesis, stroke









Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of PMR


Specialist (PMR)

TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center/ Gaziler PMR Education and Research Hospital


















Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of PMR


Specialist (PMR)

TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center/ Gaziler PMR Education and Research Hospital














Turkey Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Turkey Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Physicians


A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals

  • Akkoç Y, Ersöz M, Yıldız N, Erhan B, Alaca R, Gök H, Zinnuroğlu M, Özçete ZA, Tunç H, Kaya K, Alemdaroğlu E, Sarıgül M, Konukçu S, Gündüz B, Bardak AN, Özcan S, Demir Y, Güneş S, Uygunol K; Neurogenic Bladder Turkish Research Group. Effects of different bladder management methods on the quality of life in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2013 Mar;51(3):226-31. doi: 10.1038/sc.2012.131. Epub 2012 Oct 30.
  • Neurogenic Bladder Turkish Research Group, Yıldız N, Akkoç Y, Erhan B, Gündüz B, Yılmaz B, Alaca R, Gök H, Köklü K, Ersöz M, Cınar E, Karapolat H, Catalbaş N, Bardak AN, Turna I, Demir Y, Güneş S, Alemdaroğlu E, Tunç H. Neurogenic bladder in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: treatment and follow-up. Spinal Cord. 2014 Jun;52(6):462-7. doi: 10.1038/sc.2014.41. Epub 2014 Apr 15.
  • Yılmaz B, Akkoç Y, Alaca R, Erhan B, Gündüz B, Yıldız N, Gök H, Köklü K, Cınar E, Alemdaroğlu E, Ersöz M, Karapolat H, Demir Y, Bardak AN, Turna I, Catalbaş N, Güneş S, Tunç H. Intermittent catheterization in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: obstacles, worries, level of satisfaction. Spinal Cord. 2014 Nov;52(11):826-30. doi: 10.1038/sc.2014.134. Epub 2014 Aug 12.
  • Güzelküçük U, Demir Y, Kesikburun S, Yaşar E, Yılmaz B. Spinal cord injury in older population in Turkey. Spinal Cord. 2014 Nov;52(11):850-4. doi: 10.1038/sc.2014.103. Epub 2014 Jun 17.
  • Güzelküçük Ü, Yılmaz B, Yavuz F, Demir Y, Yazıcıoğlu K. Travmatik Spinal Kord Yaralanmalı Erkek Hastalarda Seksüel Fonksiyonlar. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2014;60:252-60.
  • Güzelküçük U, Kesikburun S, Demir Y, Aras B, Ozyörük E, Yılmaz B, Tan AK. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with traumatic cervical spinal cord injury: a Turkish hospital-based study. Spinal Cord. 2015 Jun;53(6):441-5.
  • Güzelküçük U, Demir Y, Kesikburun S, Aras B, Yaşar E, Tan AK. Ultrasound findings of the urinary tract in patients with spinal cord injury: a study of 1005 cases. Spinal Cord. 2015 Feb;53(2):139-44.
  • B Yilmaz, Y Demir, E Ozyörük, S Kesikburun and U Güzelküçük. The effect of knee joint loading and immobilization on the femoral cartilage thickness in paraplegics. Spinal Cord. 2016 Apr;54(4):283-6.
  • Güzelküçük Ü, Demir Y, Kesikburun S, Aras B, Yavuz F, Yaşar E, Yılmaz B.Spinal cord injury resulting from gunshot wounds: a comparative study with non-gunshot causes. Spinal Cord. 2016 Sep;54(9):737-41.
  • Aydemir K, Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Tezel K, Yilmaz B. Ultrasound Findings of Young and Traumatic Amputees With Lower Extremity Residual Limb Pain in Turkey. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Jan 9. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000687. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Tezel K, Aydemİr K, Taşkaynatan MA. A Different Approach to the Management of Osteoarthritis in the Knee: Ultrasound Guided Genicular Nerve Block. Pain Med. 2016 Aug 4. pii: pnw177. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Ergözen S, Ercan E, Demir Y. Home-applied IPL epilation may prevent the problems due to hair follicle in amputees. Med Hypotheses. 2016 Aug;93:53-4. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.05.013.
  • Serdar Kesikburun, Uran A, Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Ergözen S, Tan AK. Geçici Kalça Osteoporozu ve Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisi: İki Olgu Sunumu. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2015; 61: 80-83
  • Emre ADIGÜZEL, Yasin DEMİR, Rıdvan ALACA, Arif Kenan TAN. Paraneoplastik Nörolojik Sendrom: Üç Olgu Sunumu. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2015;61:166-70
  • Demir Y, Aras B, Aydemir K, Tan AK. Efficacy of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Biceps Tendon Dislocation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Sep;94(9):e87-8.
  • Demir Y.  “Kronik diz osteoartritinde geniküler sinirine radyofrekans termokoagülasyonu: Yeni bir alternatif tedavi için bir pilot çalışma” Başlıklı Bilimsel Mektup Hakkında Görüşler. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg 2016;62(4):387-388 DOI: 10.5606/tftrd.2016.951.
  • Adıgüzel E, Duran UD, Demir Y, Sarı S, Safaz S. A Rare Adult Case of Sacroiliitis due to Poststreptococcal Reactive Arthritis. Arch Rheumatol 2015;30(2):161-163.
  • Adiguzel E, Ata E, Demir Y, Tok F, Tan AK.A Rare Cause of Shoulder Pain: Pseudotumor Deltoideus. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jul 1.October 2015 - Volume 94 - Issue 10 - p e96–e97
  • Adiguzel E, Uran A, Kesikburun S, Köroğlu Ö, Demir Y, Yaşar E. Knee pain relief with genicular nerve blockage in two brain injured patients with heterotopic ossification. Brain Inj. 2015 Oct 19:1-4. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Aras B, Kesikburun S, Demir Y, Adiguzel E, Güzelküçük Ü, Yaşar E, Tan AK. Severe exercise induced damage in quadriceps muscle. MED SPORT. 2015; 68: 663-6.
  • Yaşar E, Adιgüzel E, Kesikburun S, Demir Y, Ilica T.Quadriceps Fat Pad Impingement and Synovial Hypertrophy with Mild to Moderate Lipoma Arborescens.Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jul 1. October 2015 - Volume 94 - Issue 10 - p e100–e101
  • Yaşar E, Adiguzel E, Kesikburun S, Demir Y, Ilica T. Authors' Response to a Letter to the Editor: Quadriceps Fat Pad Impingement and Synovial Hypertrophy with Mild-Moderate Lipoma Arborescens. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü,Keskburun S,Yaşar E ,Tan AK. A rare cause of shoulder pain: axillary web syndrome. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2017;63(2):178-180.
  • Demir Y, Şan AU, Kesikburun S, Yaşar E, Yılmaz B. The short-term effect of ultrasound and peripheral nerve stimulator-guided femoral nerve block with phenol on the outcomes of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2018 May 22. doi: 10.1038/s41393-018-0142-7. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Adigüzel E, Yaşar E, Kesikburun S, Demir Y, Aras B, Safaz I, Alaca R, Tan AK. Are rehabilitation outcomes after severe anoxic brain injury different from severe traumatic brain injury? A matched case-control study. Int J Rehabil Res. 2018 Mar;41(1):47-51. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000261.
  • Kesikburun S, Güzelküçük Ü, Ulaş F, Demir Y, Ergün A, Tan AK. Musculoskeletal pain and symptoms in pregnancy: A deive study. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease. 2018;10: 229-234.
  • Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Kesikburun S, Aras B, Taşkaynatan MA, Tan AK.  Complex regional pain syndrome type 1 in young adults. Gulhane Medical Journal. 2018(60):3;78-82.
  • Yasin DEMİR,Merve Örücü ATAR, Ümüt GÜZELKÜÇÜK,Koray AYDEMİR, Evren YAŞAR. The use of and satisfaction with prosthesis and quality oflife in patients with combat related lower limb amputation,experience of a tertiary referral amputee clinic in Turkey. Gulhane Medical Journal. 2019 (61):1;6-10.
  • Akkoç Y1, Bardak AN2, Ersöz M3,4, Yılmaz B5, Yıldız N6, Erhan B2, Tunç H4, Koklu K4, Alemdaroğlu E4, Dogan A7, Ozisler Z4, Koyuncu E4, Şimşir Atalay N8, Gündüz B2, Işık R1, Güler A9, Sekizkardeş M2, Demir Y5, Yaşar E5, Sasmaz E6, Şatır Ö. Post-stroke lower urinary system dysfunction and its relation with functional and mental status: A multicenter cross-sectional study. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2019 Mar;26(2):136-141.
  • Yasin Demir, Özlem Köroğlu, Elif Tekin, Emre Adıgüze, Serdar Kesikburun, Ümüt Güzelküçük, Bilge Yılmaz, Rıdvan Alaca, Evren Yaşar. Factors affecting functional outcome in patients with traumatic braininjury sequelae: Our single-center experiences onbrain injury rehabilitation. Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2019;65(1):67-73


B. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals


  • Yasin DEMİR, İsmail SAFAZ. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy and Pathologies of Motion System. J PM&R-Special Topics 2014;7(1):68-71.
  • Cinar MA, Guzelkucuk U, Demir Y, Dandinoglu T. The impact of family functioning and expressed emotion on caregiver burden. Eur Res J 2017;3(1):55-61.
  • Yasin DEMİR, Mehmet Ali TAŞKAYNATAN. Medical Treatment and Spinal Interventions in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation. J PM&R-Special Topics 2015;8(4):57-64.
  • Yasin DEMİR. Skin Problems and Other Complications in Amputee Patients. J PM&R-Special Topics 2017;10(4):397-400.
  • Demir Y, Güzelküçük Ü, Duran ÜD, Tan AK. Santral Kord Sendromu Altında Gizlenen Brakial Pleksus Lezyonu. FTR Bil Der 2016; 19: 131-133.
  • Yasin DEMİR,Koray AYDEMİR,Ümüt GÜZELKÜÇÜK,Arif Kenan TAN. Clinical and Prosthetic Features of Female Patients with Acquired Amputation. J PMR Sci 2017;20(2):66-70
  • Yasin DEMİR, Rıdvan ALACA, Kamil YAZICIOĞLU, Evren YAŞAR, Arif Kenan TAN. The Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Stroke Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J PMR Sci 2018;21(2):64-70.
  • Yasin DEMİR, ,Ümüt GÜZELKÜÇÜK,Koray AYDEMİR, Evren YAŞAR, Berke ARAS, Arif Kenan TAN. Clinical and demographic features of pediatric patients with limb loss. Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;1; 21: 101-106


C. Books

National Books or Chapters in Books

  • Biomechanical Principles in Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  • Fluoroscopic guided injections
  • Upper extremity pain
  • Lower extremity pain
  • Spinal pain