Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practice Center (GETAT)
Evaluation of ozone, prolotherapy, acupuncture and other evaluations, which are comprehensive in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, with our veterans being authorized in physics and facilities in the entire security field, on "Traditional and Complementary Practice" Center (GETAT) on September 14, 2017. ” has been opened. This unit is served by our physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists.
Our GETAT Practice Center is the first center opened among the physical therapy and rehabilitation hospitals. Our Hospital, which aims to be the leading health institution in this field in Turkey, continues to provide its services at the highest level by providing training on these practices, applying and disseminating treatments in the field of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.
Mesotherapy method is an application that can be used in many medical conditions, especially in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. In mesotherapy application technique; it is aimed to inject the prepared solutions into the skin to a depth of about 4 mm. As a result of both the mechanical effect of the needle used and the direct injection of the drug solutions into the problem area, the targeted treatment efficiency is achieved.
Acupuncture application is an important, widely used treatment modality, which aims to both prevent and treat diseases by needling certain points of the body. It is a method that can be used in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases in many areas such as increasing muscle strength, improving joint range of motion, and pain relief. It is stated that the application provides effect by making changes on the psychological state, motor system, neurological system, immune system and metabolic system.
Prolotherapy is used to reorganise and strengthen the structures that cause pain. When damage develops in the supporting structures of the body (tendons and ligaments) that provide stabilization of the joints (such as tears, looseness), irregularity, imbalance and pain may occur in the joints. In prolotherapy treatment, it is aimed to repair and strengthen these structures by stimulating the repair mechanism of the body with various solutions applied to loosened, weakened or damaged tendons and ligaments.
Ozone therapy is a method that provides successful results in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, by accelerating cell regeneration, and gives successful results in addition to physical therapy methods (hotpack, coldpack, electrical stimulation therapy, ultrasound, etc.). It is a treatment method that supports the anti-oxidant system at a level that can increase the general health condition of the patients. By this treatment, a rapid healing process occurs in the cartilage tissues of the joints, blood circulation is accelerated, and deformed cells are healed with the reperative enzymes.